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Our Nation was built on old time Christianity that included old time preaching and praying and worship. We need to revisit those days and show our children and grandchildren what real religion is all about.



Welcome to our web page.  Our ministry is to help Churches get inspired and encouraged through soul winning, church planting, revival meetings and special days.  Our speacialty is doing tent meetings.  If you would like to have an outdoor meeting give me a call.   

Tent Meetings can come in many forms but their are mostly these three.  Camp meetings when several Churches and Preachers get together for fellowship and encouraging one another.  There are also Revival Meetings that are meant more specifically for the Church to get the home folks fired back up and ready to go after it.

And thirdly their is the Evangelistic meeting when we take the tent and set it up along side a road to preach to all that come by.  sometimes we do this to start a church or promote an  existing church to get some new folks in.

Normally its some combination of all three.  But the main goal is to get the Gospel into the community and to see some people saved.  Looking forward to hearing from you.


Still Standing on the KJV


HOMESTYLE ministries

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